
A root app helps you manage your android device

[MyAndroidTools icon]

Component Info

Display the components(Service、BroadcastReceiver、Activity、Content Provider) of all apps. You can disable them to stop them running.

[Homepage] [App list with service num] [Service list]

Data Info

View and modify the data of apps (Not only the default SharedPreferences files or the default SQLite db files, but also the SQLite db files in the SDcard).

[App list] [SharedPreferences file list] [SharedPreferences file edit] [App list] [SQLite table list] [SQLite data edit]

Running Info

Display running process, logcat, current activity and fragment.

[Running process] [Logcat] [Current activity/fragment]

App Info

Display the app detail (Including package name,apk file path,install/update time,manifest detail). You can disable or uninstall any app.

[App detail] [Component list] [Manifest detail]